Thursday, September 27, 2007

It is Thursday night. This has been a long week.

Today in school we had a two-hour assembly on the topic of preventing bullying.

The storyteller that Mrs. Gamble invited to speak with our students, Len Cabral, delivered two great presentations. Kids got to ask him questions after he told his stories. He was asked about when he knew he wanted to be a story teller, and he said it was an English teacher who inspired him. Then he went on to tell the students, "Learn as much as you can - About - as much as you can, because you'll never know when you'll need it." That is a good answer for students when they ask teachers, "Why do we have to study ......?"

After the assembly and the activities, students signed an anti-bullying pledge and received a "Stand Strong - Amity" bracelet.

It was a good day.


At 10:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, I agree! It was a great assembly and a great day of activities for the students and teachers. It was nice to be able to talk to the kids about a different topic.

Great blog!
~ Deb DeMeo

At 10:57 PM , Blogger Mr. Tom Norton said...

Hey Carolyn!

I see Deb beat me here! Curses!!

Anyway, This is really cool, no question. I have only done a bit this year with mine, but I did post some links for the kids the other day. I think tomorrow will be fun. Check you email!


At 6:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carolyn -

I love that picture of Len Cabral - it's great!! He was very entertaining and I think, for the most part, the kids enjoyed the storytelling.

Let's hope all of the talking and sharing will truly make a difference!

Toby Z

At 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great assembly. I've heard so many wonderful things that teachers did during the discussion groups as well! For me, it was nice to be back in classroom conducting a lesson with the kids! Thanks to Erica Gamble, Faith Miller, and the Summer Reading Committe for organizing such a nice morning!!


At 9:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite part of the assembly was Len's comment about learning a second language...Woof!
Mrs. Blais


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