Happy 4th of July!
We are back in CT. We arrived home on Monday evening, July 2, and were thankful to be home safe and sound. It was a great trip.
The first thing we did was go and check on the back yard. The grass needs to be mowed, and a couple of the plants that our sons missed watering were very droopy, but in all, it looked good
after our eleven-day absence. The rasberry bushes were absolutely dripping with ripe. sweet rasberries, so I picked a whole colander full before the mosquitoes drove me inside.
We unpacked part of the car, but there is still stuff that needs to be brought in.
I awoke at 5:50 A.M. on Tuesday and worked the entire day doing laundry and hanging it on the line, making a wonderful rasberry cake, going through a mountain of mail, getting bills ready to be paid, making something to eat, etc. I never even unpacked the laptop to download my pictures until late Tuesday evening, if you can imagine that. Then I sat up until midnight looking at all my digital pics and paying bills electronically.
It is now Wednesday morning, and the 4th of July. Today, I plan on sitting in the backyard by the pond and pouring over all the "stuff" I picked up at NECC.
Do you remember the resource "Marco Polo" that was such a remarkable clearing house for teachers to access? I guess it had been funded by World Com, and when that company went under, the site stagnated for a while. Well, Verizon has taken over the sponsorship of the site, and it has a new moniker - Thinkfinity.org. I think that name is probably more fitting than Marcho
Polo.The company had included a booklet of post-it notes in the tote bag provided by ISTE. I had used those notes to try and organize what I wanted to see on Monday. As I said, the choices were overwhelming, and without some planning, I would have been totally lost. When I got to the booth, I showed the representatives how I had used their freebee, and they thought it was neat and asked me to email them a picture. I am including it here.
I had best get busy, so I'll close for now.
More postings about the conference later.