Monday, October 15, 2007

I got an email response from Alice Barr, an educator at University of Southern Maine who taught a class this summer on Web 2.0 tools. I had happened upon a wiki she set up for her class and found it most interesting. I have no idea how I got there because I was not using Google Notebook to track my cyberjourneys at the time. Anyway, she was very pleased I'd contacted her, and she sent me to this site for more professional development opportunities.

From this link, I found out about the Fireside Chat with David Warlick, which was part of an Elluminate Live online conference. I also downloaded a movie made by Clarence Fisher, a Canadian educator, who is trying to educate us about the changing face of the classroom and where it needs to go if we are to prepare our kids to function in a global economy.

Talk about establishing connections. This is what it is all about. The only drawback is finding the time. I'm up way too late again this evening.

I also need to figure out how some of what I'm learning can be incorporated into our school procedures.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Well, it's Sunday night, and Monday morning will be here all too soon.
I just read that tomorrow, October 15, is Blog Action Day, and the theme is "environment."
We have dedicated recycling bins in all of our classrooms, but as far as I know, everything is being thrown into the general waste stream. I've been taking home my plastic #1 and #2 containers and recycling them in my community. We all need to push for the recycling effort to start in earnest at Amity. Just think of all those newspapers being thrown away when they could be recycled.

On another note, David Warlick will be our keynote speaker on November 6, 2007 for our Professional Development Day. I hope he gets a lot of folks excited about using Web 2.0 collaborative tools with their students to enrich the kids interaction with the curriculum.